Creating a digital twin of Gat Karolina Riječka using ROV and UAV allows for remote monitoring and maintenance, enabling engineers and maintenance teams to detect potential issues and plan for repairs.
The digital twin of “Gat Karolina Riječka” is a 3D model that accurately depicts the structure of the building and its surrounding environment, both above and below the sea level.
The project involved the use of advanced technology such as ROVs, drones, and cameras with double INU units, which were used to collect data and footage of the site.
The data collection process took approximately 5 hours, while the processing time was 40 hours.
The project required the presence of a technician on site and a drone operator to ensure the accuracy of the data collected.
The total area covered by the project was 1,375.56 m2.
The digital twin of Gata Karolina Rijeka allows for a unified view of assets both above and below the sea, which is particularly important for areas that are difficult to access.
This technology enables the Port Authority of Rijeka to better manage assets and monitor their condition over time, allowing for potential hazards to be predicted and remedied in time.
One of the main benefits of the digital twin of Gata Karolina Rijeka is its ability to accurately measure and inspect every detail of the surface, down to the smallest detail.
Each area can be precisely measured, and video and photos showing each part of the object can be viewed with exact orientation with respect to georeferences.
Benefits of a Digital Twin for Property Management
The database of photographs and videos collected during the underwater filming of the pier and inspection shows every part of the surface in detail.
The digital twin of Gata Karolina Rijeka is an excellent tool for property maintenance, as potential hazards can be predicted and remedied in time.
In addition to the digital twin of Gata Karolina Rijeka, the Port Authority of Rijeka also worked on the project of recording the De Francesci ghat, which covered a larger area of 3,396.46 m2.
This demonstrates the potential of digital twin technology in managing and monitoring assets, both above and below the sea level.
In conclusion, the digital twin of Gata Karolina Rijeka is an excellent example of how digital twin technology can be used to manage and monitor assets, especially those that are difficult to access.
It provides a complete insight into the current state of the property on the ground, enabling potential hazards to be predicted and remedied in time.
This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we manage and monitor assets.